A prognathism is a jaw anomaly. It’s also referred to as the Habsburg jaw or protruding chin. If you have a prognathic jaw, your jaw appears to be incorrectly positioned or projecting. Due to jaw malformation, a prognathic face may appear furious all of the time. This condition can be identified in children as early as possible.

The objective of this Blog by our Dentist Chapel Hill NC is to go through the following in detail:-

  • Prognathism comes in a variety of forms.
  • Causes of prognathism
  • Treatment of prognathism
  • When should you visit an orthodontist, and what can you anticipate?

Types of Prognathism:

  1. Mandibular Prognathism
  2. Maxillary Prognathism
  3. Bimaxillary Prognathism

Mandibular vs. Maxillary Prognathism

Maxillary prognathism, mandibular prognathism, and retrognathia all result in a prognathic face. They all have different sections of your jaw. However, maxillary and mandibular prognathism are frequently mistaken for one another. Maxillary prognathism is a dental condition in which the upper jaw protrudes from the face. Mandibular prognathism, on the other hand, creates a prognathic lower jaw. Your lower or bottom jaw sticks out of your face as a result of this.

Bimaxillary prognathism is a somewhat uncommon condition in which the upper and lower jaw protrude further than the face.

Mandibular vs. Maxillary Prognathism

Prognathism: What Causes It & How Do I Get Rid of It?

The treatment for prognathism is primarily determined by the cause. The following are the top five causes of prognathism, as well as the necessary therapy for each. –


Mandibular prognathism is caused by acromegaly. This means you end up with a prognathic jaw. It’s a disease that causes your body to create excessive growth hormones. The tissues of your jaw were hence stretched.

Medications are usually used to treat prognathism caused by acromegaly. These drugs are supposed to limit the tumor’s growth. If medicines fail, the orthodontist may use radiation or invasive jaw surgery to reduce it.

Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

Basal cell nevus syndrome is a rare hereditary condition that affects one in 31,000 people. Basal cell nevus syndrome can cause prognathism as well as other facial growth anomalies such as far-apart eyes, odd brow shapes, and a big nose.

Before recommending any therapy, the doctor will evaluate your facial structure because of basal cell nevus syndrome to identify the abnormality. However, if skin cancer develops, there is only one option: surgery.


Acrodysostosis is a rare congenital bone condition that affects growth of the bones. You may have short body parts like short arms, legs, and a short upper jaw if you have acrodysostosis.

Although this problem can be relieved to a certain extent via nutrition supplements, surgery may be required in some cases.

Maxillary Prognathism

Genetic Disorders

Excessive jaw growth can be caused by genetic abnormalities such as Crouzon and Down syndrome. A premature fusion of your skull bones is caused by the Crouzon syndrome. Down syndrome produces a chromosome that disrupts body formation, while your body forms an extra one in Down syndrome. Prognathism develops as a result of both these conditions.

Only in children are genetic diseases discovered. As a result, the prognathism treatment can begin early in this scenario. However, most genetic disorders are treated with speech therapy and social group counseling alone.

Misaligned Teeth

It’s a mirror image of the last situation. Teeth misaligned can modify the form of your jaw, and a prognathic jaw may induce your teeth to grow deformed. As a result, you should treat your child’s misaligned teeth as soon as possible. There are several ways to correct misshapen teeth, including braces, retainers, tooth extraction, and jaw surgery.

Time to Visit the Orthodontist Is Now

When you or your youngster experience one of these systems, you should go to the orthodontist:

  • The upper or lower jaw is misshapen.
  • Breathing, speaking, eating and chewing become difficult.
  • Teeth misalignment: An overbite or an underbite is the most common type of dental malocclusion.
  • There are several non-medical reasons for a prognathism.

What to Expect During Your Orthodontist Visit

They will take the following actions to assist you while you visit your orthodontist or healthcare provider for an evaluation of your prognathic jaw:

  • Examine health issues.
  • Inquire about your medical history, such as:
  • Prognathism may be hereditary in your family.
  • The presence of jaw misalignment
  • You might have difficulties speaking or eating.
  • other relevant symptoms.

Afterword, your doctor may order one or more of the following diagnostic tests:

  • Dental x-ray
  • Skull x-ray
  • Using plaster mold, the Bite Imprints were created.

To conclude

You may receive partial or complete relief from prognathic jaw problems, depending on your situation. The treatment of prognathism, however, takes time and patience. You might also require the assistance of an oral surgeon to realign your jaw.

At Bostian Dental, our team of expert orthodontists and dental surgeons has the expertise to successfully treat a variety of prognathism situations. For a free consultation, contact Dentist Chapel Hill NC now.